Il presidente del Messico Andrés Manuel López Obrador risponde a Trump sui dazi








President Donald Trump:
I am aware of your most recent position regarding Mexico. Let me start by stating that I do not want a confrontation. The peoples and nations we represent deserve that, in light of any conflict in our relationship, no matter how serious, we turn to dialogue and act with prudence and responsibility.
Benito Juárez, renowned as Mexico’s best President, forged an excellent relationship with Abraham Lincoln, your heroic Republican predecessor. Decades later, Democratic President Franklin D. Roosevelt, understood President Lázaro Cárdenas’, deeply patriotic and sovereign reasons, to claim Mexico’s oil on behalf of its people. In fact, President Roosevelt was a beacon of freedom. He was the first to proclaim the four fundamental rights of man: the right to freedom of speech; freedom of worship; freedom from fear; and freedom from want.
It is with this frame of mind that we base our migration policy. Human beings do not abandon their hometowns by choice but by necessity. This is why, from the beginning of my tenure, I proposed that we both should opt for development cooperation to help Central American countries to attract productive investments that create jobs to resolve this grave issue at its core.
I am certain that you are aware that Mexico is fulfilling its responsibility to stem the transit through our country with full respect of human rights. It is worth recognizing that, within a short period of time, Mexicans will no longer need to cross into the United States, as migration will become an option and not a necessity. The reason is because we are fighting Mexico’s greatest challenge: corruption, as never before. By doing so, Mexico will become a powerful nation with a social dimension. Our fellow countrymen will be able to work and pursue happiness where they were born and raised, among their families, customs and cultures.
President Trump, social problems cannot be solved with taxes or coercive measures. Why transform overnight the land that welcomed migrants from the world into a ghetto, a confined space, where those who strive and work hard to live free are stigmatized, mistreated, harassed, cast out and deprived of their right to Justice? The Statue of Liberty is not an empty symbol.
With all due respect, although you have the sovereign right to express it, the “America First” slogan is a fallacy, because, from now until the end of time and beyond national borders, universal justice and fraternity will prevail.
Specifically, Mr. President: I propose that we deepen our dialogue and seek real alternatives to address the issue of migration. Please bear in mind, that I do not act cowardly or timidly, but on principles. I believe in Politics that, among other things, was created to avoid confrontation and war. I do not stand by the Law of Talion, ‘an eye for an eye’ or ‘a tooth for a tooth,’ because it would leave us all blind or toothless. I believe that statesmen and, even more so those who stand for their Nation, must seek peaceful solutions to controversies and put into practice, at all times, the beautiful ideal of non-violence.
Finally, I propose that you instruct your Administration, if you would, to meet with the officials of our Government, headed by the Secretary of Foreign Relations of Mexico, who will soon be traveling to Washington to seek an agreement that benefits both our nations.
Nothing by force, everything by reason and Law!
Your friend,
Andrés Manuel López Obrador
President of Mexico

Mexico City, May 30, 2019.


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