Special. Cyber War between USA IRAN

usairan(ASI) Reading several articles for different authors, in the last few days, cyber war has begun by the USA that has targeted various Iranian computer systems, in particular, those considered as the authors of Iranian intelligence.

For some authors, this is the first operation of the first cyberwar totally made in the USA.

But, in the past, the Persian Gulf has already been an intense laboratory of cyberwar's place. Perhaps the most devastating was the one conducted through Stuxnet, a virus specially created by the American government in collaboration with the Israeli government, which had the purpose of penetrating into the software of the Iranian nuclear power plant in Natanz (one of the main reactors of Iran's atomic program). The study carried out by Symantec, on impact done by Stuxnet, reported that in Iran alone there were more than 62,000 computers infected with this virus. The head of the Teheran cybers police, General Kamal Hadianfar, has admitted that his nation in 2017 has suffered 296 serious cyber aggressions against vital infrastructures "and to these cyber events, it must also be added "that on more occasions experts in the cyber sector have dead", on his opinion mysteriously.

The Iranian Revolutionary Guards, Iranian missile command centers, as well as the computers and networks of an Iranian intelligence group. These will be the goals of the cyber attack. For the US spy agency, these offices held responsible for managing the attacks on the oil tankers.

The choice of the Trump Administration was not to make a move in large vision with bombings and physical aggression but to shift the attention to the spacing of the "cyberwar". Cyberwar is an indefinite space that many times which is often used to refer to hackers who steal online secrets, disrupt computer systems and other infrastructures, and engage in online financial fraud, it is an activity, that many times. This cyber activity is not clear if has endorsed by the government agencies as an assault on electronic communication networks to make defenseless their apparatuses or economic and energy sectors of the economy of a territory, region or nation.

President Donald Trump is widely reported by US media to have embarked on a covert cyberwar on Iran. Just as, in the absence of proof, Tehran has never risen to its recent sabotage provocations in the region, although its hand is self-evident, Washington instead intends to block some activities to the Islamic Republic.

President Trump has not said this out loud, but his turn to clandestine cyber warfare in retaliation for Iranian attacks, in place of direct military strikes, bring the CIA in first line activity, with his resolve to avoid a full-scale war with Tehran. Possible operations are not only to disable various missile bases and command centers but also to a range of Iranian vehicles of aggression. An absolutely target is are the Iranian Revolutionary Guards patrol, as well as Iranian proxies, such as Hizballah and Iraqi Shiite militias. The CIA will be deploying forces on Iran for striking essential infrastructure and stirring up unrest.

The US Cyber Command certainly keeps in the bottom of a range of plans for attacking specific targets in Iran, but not likely a comprehensive US-Iranian cyber conflict it is only a single attack of many in the future. Iran is unlikely or hard to believe that to stand alone in this cyber war. What will Iran's allies like Russia and China do? They may decide to help Tehran. On their side to seize this is a unique opportunity for testing their own cyber weapons in a real confrontation with the USA. Will Russia and China do it? Will the theater of war be expanded with new subjects?

Giacomo Breda per Agenzia Stamaìpa Italia

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